USPS OIG Report: Mail Delivery and Customer Service Operations – Raleigh, NC

Background The Avent Ferry Station is in the Greensboro District of the Southern Area. The delivery unit has 58 city routes and 17 rural routes delivered by 78 city carriers and 27 rural carriers. We chose the Avent Ferry Station based on the number of stop-the-clock (STC) scans occurring at the delivery unit. Our objective…

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USPS OIG Report: HCR Contractor Failures at Greensboro P&DC

Background Late trips occur when various conditions cause a delay in the arrival or departure of transportation beyond the scheduled times. Late trip reason codes may include late processing, mail processing, contractor failure, and equipment failure. When trucks are late due to contractor failure, dock expeditors choose the reason code in the Surface Visibility (SV)…

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USPS OIG Report: Network Operations Continuous Improvement Processes

Objective Our objective was to evaluate the U.S. Postal Service Greensboro District’s fiscal year (FY) 2016 Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control (DMAIC) Priority Air/Surface continuous improvement process project. We will also summarize our prior continuous improvement audit work. What the OIG Found Greensboro District management did not comply with DMAIC process requirements or meet its…

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USPS OIG: Highway Contract Routes — Extra Trips — Greensboro District

Audit Report – NO-AR-14-012 – 09/23/2014 Background The U.S. Postal Service uses highway contract routes (HCR) to transport mail between its facilities. An extra trip is an infrequent trip made in addition those that are outlined in the contract. The Postal Service must complete a Postal Service Form 5397 to authorize an extra trip and…

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