USPS OIG Report: “As Needed” Highway Contract Routes

Objective Our objective was to assess the Postal Service’s use of the “as needed” transportation on Highway Contract Routes (HCR). The Postal Service uses contracted, supplier-operated routes to transport mail and equipment between plants, post offices, and other designated points. These routes include “as needed” services that allow suppliers to travel anywhere within the continental…

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USPS OIG Report: HCR Contractor Failures at Greensboro P&DC

Background Late trips occur when various conditions cause a delay in the arrival or departure of transportation beyond the scheduled times. Late trip reason codes may include late processing, mail processing, contractor failure, and equipment failure. When trucks are late due to contractor failure, dock expeditors choose the reason code in the Surface Visibility (SV)…

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USPS: MCV relies on accuracy, timeliness

The Postal Service wants employees to understand the importance of accurate scanning to Mail Condition Visualization (MCV), an Informed Visibility module that will provide near-real-time conditions of mail and packages in processing facilities. The data delivered by MCV is closely linked to the manual scan “events” captured through Surface Visibility (SV). This means failure to…

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APWU: Postal Vehicle Service Scanning Duty Settlement Reached

Web News Article #: 92-2017 09/28/2017 – On August 31, the APWU Motor Vehicle Service Craft Division and the USPS came to a settlement for case numbers Q10V-4Q-C 16466169/HQTV20160275, Q10V-4Q-C 15300453/HQTV20150846 and Q10V-4Q-C 16466163/A19V20160276. The issue concerns the deployment of scanners to Postal Vehicle Service (PVS) drivers, as part of the Surface Visibility (SV) program….

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USPS OIG Report: Surface Visibility Scanning ― Western Area

Background The U.S. Postal Services’ Surface Visibility Scanning (SV) network was intended to provide nationwide mail container visibility, real-time asset identification, and improved dock operations at over 430 sites. SV sites have Mail Transport Equipment Labelers (MTEL) to print barcoded placards that are scanned six different times using a wireless SVmobile scanning device. These scans…

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