USPS OIG: Capping Report of Mail Operations and Delayed Mail at Select P&DCs

Objectives Our objective was to summarize the results of U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General issued reports that evaluated mail operations and delayed mail at select Processing & Distribution Centers (P&DC) and identify any systemic operational issues. The U.S. Postal Service considers mail to be delayed when it is not processed in time to…

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USPS OIG Report: Mail Operations at the Raleigh P&DC

Background The Postal Service considers mail to be delayed when it is not processed in time to meet the established delivery day. Delayed mail can adversely affect Postal Service customers and harm the organization’s brand. To track mail conditions at processing facilities, the Postal Service launched the Mail Condition Visualization (MCV) system in January 2019….

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USPS OIG Report: Mail Delivery and Customer Service Operations – Raleigh, NC

Background The Avent Ferry Station is in the Greensboro District of the Southern Area. The delivery unit has 58 city routes and 17 rural routes delivered by 78 city carriers and 27 rural carriers. We chose the Avent Ferry Station based on the number of stop-the-clock (STC) scans occurring at the delivery unit. Our objective…

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UPDATED (2/20/15): USPS Network Rationalization Consolidations

Completed Mail Moves and Date Changes: Click Here for February 20, 2015 Network Rationalization Consolidation Update [XLSX]

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