USPS OIG Report: Evaluation of Freight Auction

Our objective was to assess the effectiveness of FA for Highway Contract Routes.

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APWU: MVS 600 Route Arbitration Award

From: Charlie Cash <> Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 Subject: MVS 600 Route Arbitration Award Union Family, Please see attached. You are welcome to share with the field. It is a good win and congratulations to the MVS Division! Let’s all continue to fight to get all the bargaining unit work we were promised in…

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APWU: Arbitrator issues a Supplemental Award addressing scope of 2016 decision on 110 HCR routes case

April 7, 2023 On March 16, 2023, Arbitrator Shyam Das issued a Supplemental Award addressing the scope of his 2016 decision in the 110 HCR routes case, Case No. Q06C-4Q-C 11182451. In his 2016 decision, Arbitrator Das found that the Postal Service had “engaged in wholesale and repeated violations” of Article 32.2’s notice requirements. As…

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USPS OIG Report: Assessment of Postal Service Trailer Utilization

Background The U.S Postal Service contracts with suppliers that operate highway contract routes (HCR) to transport mail and equipment between plants, post offices, or other designated points that receive or dispatch mail. HCRs made up the largest single group of transportation services used by the Postal Service in fiscal year (FY) 2022. The Postal Service…

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APWU: NLRB Charges 10 Roads Express for Violations of the National Labor Relations Act

January 13, 2023 On Jan. 3, 2023 the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) charged USPS contractor 10 Roads Express and specific named managers with multiple violations of labor law in a campaign against workers who were unionizing their workplace. The offenses cited in the charges took place in their Harrisburg, PA…

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USPS OIG Report: Truck Driver Shortage – Implications for the Postal Service

March 7, 2022 (RISC-WP-22-002) The national truck driver shortage has impacted the Postal Service and suppliers that transport mail in bulk along highway contract routes. Several strategies could help the Postal Service to mitigate the impact of the driver shortage. Since at least the early 2000s, the trucking industry has warned of a shortage of…

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USPS OIG Report: Trips Operating More Than Four Hours Late

Objective Our objective was to assess the effectiveness of the U.S. Postal Service’s management of Highway Contract Routes (HCR) and Postal Vehicle Service (PVS) trips operating more than four hours late. The 2020 Annual Compliance Determination Report defines Postal Service trips that arrive more than four hours late as critically late trips (CLT). The Postal…

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USPS OIG: What other ways could USPS use GPS?

Many of you likely use Global Position System (GPS) on a regular basis, driving to someplace new or maybe using a GPS-driven app to avoid traffic. But did you know the Postal Service uses GPS to manage its highway transportation contracts? In 2016, the Postal Service implemented a new program, the Enterprise Transportation Analytics (ETA)…

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