FedUp: Mental Illness & Disorders, OWCP Stress Claims, & Other Resources

Episode 21 is here! In this episode we talk about mental illness and mental disorders stemming from having to work in a toxic and hostile work environment. We also address how we can file an OWCP stress claim regarding our mental illness and/or disorders, what’s needed to do that, and other useful resources to combat…

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USPS Releases Updated Official COVID Decision Tree

  The USPS has eliminated administrative leave for COVID-19. Employees that disclose they are infected with COVID-19 will be sent home for five days on Annual Leave, Sick Leave, or Leave Without Pay. Same if they disclose that they were exposed to an individual that was infected with COVID-19. See the attached COVID Decision Tree…

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USPS OIG Report: Changes in Mail Mix – Implications for Carriers’ Physical Health

The U.S. Postal Service’s package volume and weight have increased as First-Class Mail has declined, representing a change in mail mix. The OIG found a correlation between total package weight and letter carrier injuries. The OIG found that the Postal Service has no specific protocols in place outlining how a carrier should deliver a heavy…

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OWCP representation for NALC members

March 2022 “One of the benefits of NALC membership is access to a highly experienced specialist who can advise injured workers on their claims at no expense to the member checkout to find more info about casino at freshbookies.com. While injured workers are not required to have a representative to file or process their claim,…

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APWU: COVID-19 and OWCP Claims update, ZOOM training

From: Vance Zimmerman <vzimmerman@apwu.org> Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 10:59 AM Subject: COVID-19 and OWCP Claims In 2020, the APWU sent out information on OWCP. We are sending out a copy of the letter originally sent to national officers, state, and local presidents. We are also attaching our updated OWCP write up. Also, at the…

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APWU: OWCP Claims for COVID-19 information update

From: Vance Zimmerman Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 Subject: COVID-19 and OWCP Claims In 2020, the APWU sent out information on OWCP. We are sending out a copy of the letter originally sent to national officers, state, and local presidents. We are also attaching our updated OWCP write up. APWU: OWCP Claims for COVID-19 Information…

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OWCP Covid Claims News Story

In case you missed it… doesn’t specify how many if any postal claims were in the mix; approved or denied but imo there should be a slew of them including several hundred survivor benefit claims that all should have been approved: Nearly 3,500 federal employees to be compensated for contracting COVID-19 at work First Name:…

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