USPS is delivering more COVID-19 tests
The organization has distributed more than 900 million since 2021
The organization has distributed more than 900 million since 2021
Employees are expected to maintain their assigned schedule and must make every effort to avoid unscheduled absences. Circumstances can arise that cause employees to miss work unexpectedly.
November 16, 2023 The 2024 APWU Leave Calendar and Leave Chart are now available on the APWU website under Frequently Requested Resources. The Leave Calendar is a great resource identifying pay periods, pay days, and holidays. The Leave Chart can be used to track current balances of advanced annual, earned annual and sick leave, as…
You earn leave, it’s yours! Pursuant to the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Articles 3,5,10,19 management must comply with the leave regulations outlined in Chapter 510 of the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM). Far too often, managers ignore or misapply those rules. Here are some common misapplications that must be challenged: THREE ABSENCES IN 90…
May 17, 2023 Effective May 12, 2023, the Postal Service has discontinued all Covid-19 specific protocols, including all memoranda of understanding, policies, and work practice restrictions and requirements. However, we must all understand that COVID-19 and other communicable diseases still pose a threat. Many members in their line of work are susceptible to these illnesses,…
February 6, 2023 For three decades, the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) has been the cornerstone of the U.S. Department of Labor’s efforts to promote work-life balance. This landmark legislation has helped millions of working families balance the demands of the workplace, the needs of their families and their own health. Source: U.S. Department…
The USPS has eliminated administrative leave for COVID-19. Employees that disclose they are infected with COVID-19 will be sent home for five days on Annual Leave, Sick Leave, or Leave Without Pay. Same if they disclose that they were exposed to an individual that was infected with COVID-19. See the attached COVID Decision Tree…
November 9, 2022 The 2023 APWU Leave Calendar and Leave Chart are now available on the APWU website under Frequently Requested Resources. The Leave Calendar is a great resource identifying pay periods, pay days, and holidays. The Leave Chart can be used to track current balances of advanced annual, earned annual and sick leave, as…