APWU: Upcoming Zoom Training on Electronic Grievance System

From: Charlie Cash <CCash@apwu.org> Date: April 13, 2022 Subject: Upcoming Training on Electronic Grievance System Union Family, Please share below with your various lists. The Industrial Relations Department will be conducting a training on how to use the Electronic Grievance System (EGS) at 4:00 pm eastern time on April 27, 2022 and last approximately two…

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APWU: COVID-19 and OWCP Claims update, ZOOM training

From: Vance Zimmerman <vzimmerman@apwu.org> Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 10:59 AM Subject: COVID-19 and OWCP Claims In 2020, the APWU sent out information on OWCP. We are sending out a copy of the letter originally sent to national officers, state, and local presidents. We are also attaching our updated OWCP write up. Also, at the…

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APWU: February ZOOM Trainings

January 8, 2021 The Research and Education Department is sponsoring a series of Zoom Trainings for local and state officers and shop stewards in February 2021. The link to register is only being sent to local/state presidents. If an officer or steward wishes to attend the Zoom Training, they must contact their president. Special Notes:…

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