USPS OIG Report: Employee Availability

Employees are expected to maintain their assigned schedule and must make every effort to avoid unscheduled absences. Circumstances can arise that cause employees to miss work unexpectedly.

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USPS: Understanding the provisions of Emergency Federal Employee Leave

The Postal Service is continuing its efforts to educate employees about a new form of leave that has been created for federal workers in light of the coronavirus pandemic. The new leave, emergency federal employee leave (EFEL), was established under the American Rescue Plan Act, a law that took effect March 11. Under the American…

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USPS OIG Audit Project: How Do AWOL Employees Affect the Postal Service?

Project Title: Unscheduled Leave – AWOL Status Start Date: Monday, November 29, 2021 Estimated Report Release Date: May 2021 Employees who fail to report for duty on scheduled days are considered absent without leave (AWOL), except when emergencies prevent them from obtaining permission in advance. An employee who is absent without permission or who fails…

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NPMHU: USPS Challenge to National Arbitration Decision on Hatch Act and LWOP is Dismissed

April 26, 2021 Back in August 2018, we circulated a copy of the National Arbitration Award issued by Arbitrator Stephen Goldberg on August 6, 2018 in a case concerning the use of Union LWOP for political activities under the National Agreement. The matter was heard in June 2018, briefed in July 2018, and decided in…

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COVID-19 is an Act of God (Nature)

The USPS COVID-19 decision tree (1-21-2021) says when a non-symptomatic employee shares a household with a COVID-19 positive individual or has been exposed outside of work to a COVID-19 positive individual, they are to be sent home without pay unless they use their own annual or sick leave. The employee that reveals this private information…

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USPS to Implement New eAccess Suspension Triggers Based on Certain TACS Codes

On Thursday, June 11, 2020, 4:44 PM, Lynn Pallas-Barber <> wrote: Brothers and Sisters, Please find attached a notification from the USPS concerning the eAccess of employees. eAccess is the system which controls employee user access to USPS computers. When an employee is suspended or after a 14 day continuous period in the particular listed…

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APWU: Families First Coronavirus Recovery Act expands postal leave benefits (4/2/20)

APWU – April 2, 2020 The Families First Coronavirus Recovery Act (FFCRA) extends to postal employees some additional leave benefits due to the Coronavirus and the illness it causes–COVID-19. APWU represented employees, both career and non-career, are entitled to the leave provisions enacted by the FFCRA. Two new leave types are now extended to postal…

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USPS: Liberal Changes of Schedule and Leave

USPS Memo – March 23, 2020 We have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with our unions temporarily expanding the use of Sick Leave for Dependent Care to allow employees to use their sick leave for unexpected childcare needs as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to allowing Sick Leave for Dependent Care, for…

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