USPS to offer retirement incentive to certain APWU and NPMHU employees
The opportunity is for VER and optional eligible employees in certain crafts
The opportunity is for VER and optional eligible employees in certain crafts
This Memorandum of Understanding was apparently leaked before the official date of its release on January 13, 2025 (see signature at end of document).
Where, as here, the problems are literally preventing participant enrollment, extending Open Season for PSHBP participants is both necessary and warranted.
We found the Postal Service developed its FY 2025 peak season preparedness initiatives to build upon the successes it had during prior peak seasons.
The National Office is asking that all proposals be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than January 31, 2025. The National Office also has issued a form that can be used to submit proposals.
As the 120-day period that was agreed upon in the USPS/NPMHU bilateral agreements signed on 4/25/24 has ended – be advised that management is pushing these bilateral agreements forward.
This website will be your one stop for all updates, reports, and pictures from the convention. Keep checking back for daily updates as reports are published and pictures posted.
July 5, 2024 We have created a new webpage to provide tools for Officers and Stewards to Organize new Members into the National Postal Mail Handlers Union. This “Digital Organizing Toolkit” provides easy to follow steps to recruit new members into the NPMHU. NPMHU: New Organizing Webpage Announcement Source: NPMHU