NPMHU: Official Call for Bargaining Proposals

The National Office is asking that all proposals be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than January 31, 2025. The National Office also has issued a form that can be used to submit proposals.

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APWU: Mail Handler 4 Hour Survey and Updated info on RI-399

As the 120-day period that was agreed upon in the USPS/NPMHU bilateral agreements signed on 4/25/24 has ended – be advised that management is pushing these bilateral agreements forward.

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NPMHU: New Organizing Webpage

July 5, 2024 We have created a new webpage to provide tools for Officers and Stewards to Organize new Members into the National Postal Mail Handlers Union. This “Digital Organizing Toolkit” provides easy to follow steps to recruit new members into the NPMHU. NPMHU: New Organizing Webpage Announcement Source: NPMHU

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NPMHU: PDF version of Contract Interpretation Manual v.6 released

April 9, 2024 I am pleased to announce that the NPMHU-USPS Joint Contract Interpretation Manual (CIM) Version 6 has been completed and is being released today. The printing of the hard copy of the CIM is underway. The electronic (pdf) version has been released today, and is posted on the National website under the Member…

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NPMHU: Uniform and Work Clothes Annual Allowance Carry Over

January 26, 2024 Effective March 13, 2024 the following provision of Article 26, Section 26.3 of the 2022 National Agreement will be implemented: Unused portions of an eligible employee’s annual allowance for uniform and work clothing will be carried over and available for use beginning twelve (12) months after the end of each anniversary year….

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NPMHU-USPS MOU: Sorting and Delivery Centers (S&DC) Staffing

RE: MOU: Sorting and Delivery Centers (S&DC) Staffing Enclosed is a copy of a recently signed MOU on the Staffing of the Sorting and Delivery Centers (S&DCs) between the USPS and the NPMHU. The S&DCs are a new facility from the Deliver for America Plan that will create large carrier stations by consolidating smaller offices….

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USPS: A look at postal labor unions

August 30, 2023 More than 585,000 Postal Service employees — or about 91 percent of the organization’s total workforce — are members of a bargaining unit. To help mark Labor Day, here’s a look at the eight bargaining units represented in USPS and the approximate number of employees they cover: • National Association of Letter…

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