APWU: New TACs training for Supervisors

From: Lamont Brooks <lbrooks@apwu.org> Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2023 Subject: Re: New TACs training for Supervisors I will be requesting a meeting on this new directive to management as it relates to TACS. Do NOT stop your local grievance filing and NLRB charges, when applicable. I am so tired on working 20 hours a day…

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APWU: EAS Performing Craft Work Involving New EAS Positions

From: Lamont Brooks <lbrooks@apwu.org> Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2023 12:26 PM To: Clerk Division NBA <ClerkDivisionNBA@apwu.org> Cc: Clerk Department <ClerkDepartment@apwu.org> Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: EAS Performing Craft Work Involving New EAS Positions To be clear, we have no authority over NAPS‘ ability to negotiate a permanent supervisor position. We do have the authority to challenge…

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APWU: Lead Clerk and TACS Settlements are Final and Binding – Compliance is Mandatory

From: Lamont Brooks <lbrooks@apwu.org> Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2021 Subject: Lead Clerk and TACS and Directive to the Field that Settlements are Final and Binding with Mandatory Compliance SETTLEMENTS ARE FINAL AND BINDING- COMPLIANCE IS MANDATORY Please refer to the July 16, 2021 signoff from the USPS Vice Presidents (first attachment). I commend the USPS…

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