APWU: EAS Performing Craft Work Involving New EAS Positions

From: Lamont Brooks <lbrooks@apwu.org>
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2023 12:26 PM
To: Clerk Division NBA <ClerkDivisionNBA@apwu.org>
Cc: Clerk Department <ClerkDepartment@apwu.org>
Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Fwd: EAS Performing Craft Work Involving New EAS Positions

To be clear, we have no authority over NAPS‘ ability to negotiate a permanent supervisor position.

We do have the authority to challenge whether or not they are preforming clerk bargaining unit work under Article 1.6, Article 37, and the many Jobs MOUs to return the work to the Craft.

Only locally would the APWU know the specific duties these supervisors are performing daily and whether or not it is clerk bargaining unit work or even the amount of time each day.

I suggest activating your stewards to file daily grievances for each violation. If stewards are appointed, in accordance with Article 17, this time could be all on the clock, utilizing those union activity work hours to create more desirable duty assignments and in some cases additional duty assignments.

If they want to violate the contract, then we have an obligation to enforce the contract.

We all must do our part. It is clear they are going to violate the contract and we have to make it clear that we will fight to enforce the contract.

DeJoy/Tulino has the ability to take corrective action on supervisors who repeated violation the contract. They have chosen not to.

I shared this information previously with the field.

Our position is that the Apprenticeship program creating a level-16 position IS still a 204b and should be challenged in the same manner. They are still a temporary supervisor.

Locally we must enforce the contract and file grievances when they perform clerk work. We have to be just as aggressive as NAPS in securing our work.

We are in discussions at the national level on the national dispute with intentions on expeditiously advancing the case to arbitration.

At what point are we going to stop talking and start fighting with action?

You are free to disseminate to the field.

Lamont Brooks
Clerk Division

Brooks – Richardson email exchange

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