“Leave My Leave Alone” – article by APWU WR Coordinator Gonzalez

You earn leave, it’s yours! Pursuant to the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Articles 3,5,10,19 management must comply with the leave regulations outlined in Chapter 510 of the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM). Far too often, managers ignore or misapply those rules. Here are some common misapplications that must be challenged: THREE ABSENCES IN 90…

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USPS OIG Report: Unscheduled Leave in the Los Angeles District

Background The U.S. Postal Service categorizes unscheduled leave as any absence from work that is not requested or approved in advance. Unscheduled leave could contribute to increased compensation expenses by requiring management to increase workhours and overtime hours. The OIG developed a Human Resource Risk Model (risk model) to monitor key Postal Service metrics, including…

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Infectious? Please, Just Go Home!

By Jo Ellen Whitney – January 9, 2015 The world can be a scary place. There are risks that you can control, like whether or not you take up bungee jumping or alligator wrestling, and risks you can’t control, such as whether or not someone runs a red light or if your cubemate has the…

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