“Leave My Leave Alone” – article by APWU WR Coordinator Gonzalez

You earn leave, it’s yours! Pursuant to the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Articles 3,5,10,19 management must comply with the leave regulations outlined in Chapter 510 of the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM). Far too often, managers ignore or misapply those rules. Here are some common misapplications that must be challenged: THREE ABSENCES IN 90…

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APWU WR Coordinator Gonzalez was on The Special Report: US Post Office In Crisis

From: Grace Diaz <gdiaz@specialneedsnetwork.org> Date: August 19, 2020 at 10:31:15 AM PDT To: Omar Gonzalez <ogonzalez@apwu.org> Subject: A Special Thank You Reply-To: <gdiaz@specialneedsnetwork.org> Dear Omar, Thank you so much for joining The Special Report today. Your insightful comments are an invaluable part of a dialogue that is informing and inspiring viewers across the country. We…

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Postal Worker West – March 2020 Edition: BEING POSTAL IN A PANDEMIC

Excerpt: The Union’s Role The Union is certified by law to enforce the contract in regards to working conditions, hours and wages. Under Article 14 of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) the Union cooperates with and assists management to live up to their responsibility to provide safe working conditions. Far too often the Union has…

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