Concerns Raised on Compelling Retirees to Enroll in Medicare

As both the House and Senate have begun hearings into another possible attempt to shore up the Postal Service’s finances, concerns have been raised about a new attempt to compel postal retirees to enroll in Medicare. That provision has been in numerous proposals regarding USPS for years, none of which have come close to final…

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NPMHU Releases Details on RI-399 Payments

May 06, 2019 As previously announced, the Update MOU on RI-399 that was signed by the NPMHU, the APWU, and the Postal Service in June 2018 included a monetary payment to individual Mail Handlers. Here are the details, except for the payment date, which is still to be determined. In order to be eligible for…

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USPS OIG Report: Mail Processing Facilities Condition Reviews

Background In fiscal year (FY) 2018, the Postal Service had 286 mail processing facilities with over 70 million interior square feet. Between October 2010 and February 2018, mail processing facilities generated more than 46,000 maintenance requests and incurred over $876 million in maintenance costs. The Postal Service is obligated, by both internal policies and federal…

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I discovered my clock rings were changed

My PM DISABLED my computer access because I was getting my TACS times by going through the Staffing and Scheduling Tool (SST) off of the Blue Page-My Work-Essential Links-SST. I did not have to ask for access through eaccess or even sign in with my ACE ID & password. Was this proper protocol and did…

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