USPS OIG Report: Fiscal Year 2025 Peak Season Preparedness
We found the Postal Service developed its FY 2025 peak season preparedness initiatives to build upon the successes it had during prior peak seasons.
We found the Postal Service developed its FY 2025 peak season preparedness initiatives to build upon the successes it had during prior peak seasons.
I uploaded a total of 12 Basic Electricity Self Study Guides that I got years ago from the Postal Service. Plenty of good information inside them for reference and to refresh a person’s memory.
USPS encourages all employees with a disability to self-identify, or to update a disability already on file, by completing PS Form 2489, Self-Identification of a Physical or Mental Disability.
The events are part of the organization’s efforts to expand its sales force and align sales strategies with new operational capabilities to drive revenue, one of the goals of the Delivering for America plan.
The United States Postal Service has intensified its hiring efforts in the greater Phoenix area and throughout Arizona.
Post Offices throughout PA and Delaware to host one day event
Background Front-line supervisors are the first layer of management directly above craft employees and are the leaders who oversee day-to-day operations. Their interactions with employees and customers can influence productivity and morale. Additionally, they significantly contribute to the accomplishment of Postal Service goals, including ensuring customers receive quality service and their mail and parcels on…
Background The U.S. Postal Service has experienced issues with hiring and retaining employees, particularly among pre-career employees. This is due, in part, to the national unemployment rate overall being low, impacting most employers as they compete for talent. In September 2019, the Postal Service adopted a new centralized hiring process. The goals of this hiring…