PMG updates employees on USPS 10-year business plan

The following message is from Postmaster General Megan J. Brennan: The Postal Service provides the nation with a vital delivery platform that sustains and propels American commerce and binds the nation together by serving every American business and residential address. Because of a dramatic shift in market dynamics over more than the past decade, and…

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Two Recent NLRB Decisions of Note

Local 307, National Postal Mailhandlers Union (NPMHU) (07-CB-218938; 367 NLRB No. 144) Detroit, MI, June 4, 2019. The Board granted the General Counsel’s Motion for Default Judgment based on the Respondent’s failure to file an answer to the complaint. Finding no merit in the Respondent’s assertion that it was not properly served with the complaint,…

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USPS OIG Report: Mail Processing Overtime

Objective The objective of our audit was to assess the Postal Service’s management of mail processing overtime during fiscal year (FY) 2018. The Postal Service had a goal to reduce mail processing staffing costs by about $130.5 million in FY 2018. While the Postal Service uses overtime to provide flexibility and meet its operational requirements,…

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USPS: Know the rules about seeking other jobs

The Postal Service wants employees to follow the rules on seeking employment outside the organization. Federal law and the government’s standards of ethical conduct don’t prohibit postal workers from seeking a job with any particular employer. However, employees can’t seek or accept another job if it presents a conflict of interest with their current duties….

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USPS: IRS wants you to check your federal withholding

The IRS is encouraging Postal Service and other employees to review their 2019 federal income tax withholding. According to the IRS, withholding changes made in 2018 as a result of the new tax law may have a different effect if left in place for all of 2019. The IRS offers an online withholding calculator that…

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Candidates Nominated for APWU Election of National Officers

June 17, 2019 Secretary-Treasurer Liz Powell has announced that the following union members have been certified as candidates for election to national office by referendum balloting, as mandated by the APWU Constitution and Bylaws. Each candidate in this unofficial listing has secured the necessary petitions required for nomination. The official list will be announced after…

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