USPS-approved costume gives people license to smile

It’s Halloween time, Americans are rallying around the Postal Service, people love their pets, and who couldn’t use a good chuckle right about now? Count those among the reasons you’re quite likely to see dogs dressed as letter carriers in your neighborhood and social media feed these days. The officially licensed USPS dog costume, introduced…

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USPS OIG: Delivery of a New Delivery Vehicle

When you buy a car, how long do you tend to keep it? A few years? Six or seven? Ten? For the U.S. Postal Service, it’s a long, long time. The backbone of its delivery fleet – more than 200,000 vehicles – is the right-hand-drive Long Life Vehicle (LLV), which has an expected service life…

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USPS: Worker witnessed major postal moment in 1970

Postal worker Ursula Hennessy doesn’t just remember the August day 50 years ago when President Richard Nixon signed the landmark Postal Reorganization Act. She was — to borrow a line from “Hamilton” — in the room where it happened. Hennessy was in her 20s when she joined the Post Office Department in 1969 as the…

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USPS: Stamp honors suffrage movement

The Postal Service will honor the suffrage movement and the people who carried it to fruition when it releases its 19th Amendment: Women Vote stamp on Saturday, Aug. 22. The Forever stamp commemorates the centennial of the ratification of the constitutional amendment that guarantees women the right to vote.In 1848, the U.S. women’s suffrage movement…

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Postal Inspection Service’s milestone celebrated

The Postal Inspection Service has released a video to celebrate the organization’s 245th birthday. “The United States Postal Inspection Service: A Look Back at the First 245 Years of America’s First and Oldest Law Enforcement Agency” explores the organization’s colorful history, which began when Benjamin Franklin, America’s first Postmaster General, hired William Goddard. On Aug….

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Landmark postal law signed 50 years ago

This week marks the 50th anniversary of the most comprehensive postal legislation since the founding of the republic — the law that transformed the Post Office Department into the Postal Service. President Richard Nixon signed the Postal Reorganization Act on Aug. 12, 1970, but as Publication 100, the Postal Service’s official history book explains, the…

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USPS: Early Ben Franklin postal ledgers now online

The ledgers that Benjamin Franklin kept when he was Philadelphia’s Postmaster recently became available online — in time for this weekend’s 245th anniversary of the American postal system’s birth. Franklin became America’s first Postmaster General 245 years ago when he was appointed to that position by the Second Continental Congress on July 26, 1775. Prior…

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USPS has updated its own history book

The Postal Service has updated its own history book. Publication 100, The United States Postal Service: An American History, traces the organization’s evolution from the colonial era to the digital age. The 144-page book includes several new sections, including “Diversity, Past and Present,” “Unusual Delivery Methods” and tables of historical postage rates. Other sections cover…

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