APWU Clerk Craft Telework MOU Extended Through July 1, 2022

June 16, 2022 Clerk Craft Director Lamont Brooks reached an agreement with the Postal Service to extend the MOU, Re: Telework for Clerk Craft Employees at Customer Care Centers (CCCs), Customer Retention Teams (CRTs), and the Mailing Shipping Solution Center. The extension, dated June 10, 2022, was agreed to in an effort for the parties…

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APWU: Telework MOU Extended Until June 17, 2022

On May 6, 2022, APWU Clerk Craft Director Lamont Brooks agreed to extend the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding Telework for Clerk Craft Employees at Customer Care Centers, Customer Retention Teams, and the Mailing Shipping Solution Center (MSSC, i.e., Mailing Requirements Clerks) until June 17, 2022. However, the Postal Service would not agree to extend…

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APWU: MOUs regarding telework in IT/AS unit, CCCs, and MSSC

As part of our ongoing collective response to the coronavirus pandemic and efforts to protect the health and safety of our members and their families, today the union was able to secure three memoranda of understanding regarding telework with the Postal Service. Please see attached the MOUs regarding telework in the IT/AS unit, in Customer…

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USPS: Training underway for C360 tool

USPS has begun rolling out its Customer 360 platform at Consumer Affairs offices, Customer Care Centers and Post Offices. Customer Care Centers in Troy, MI, and Edison, NJ, along with Post Offices in Capital Metro Area, have been testing the new tool — called C360 — for several months. C360 is part of the Postal…

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USPS: New tool to help resolve customer issues

USPS will soon introduce a web-based tool that will allow employees to better handle customer service issues. Customer 360 will replace eCustomer Care, the application currently used to process and track business and residential customer inquiries. The new tool will be available in Consumer Affairs offices, Customer Care Centers and Post Offices, allowing employees in…

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USPS OIG Report: Improving the Customer Experience with USPS Customer Care Centers

While customers were satisfied with Customer Care Center (CCC) agents, one in three was not satisfied with the overall experience. The Postal Service cannot handle current CCC call volume, a problem that could worsen with parcel growth. Reducing wait times and giving agents better tools, training, and organizational support will empower them to resolve customer…

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USPS: Baltimore District tests “Where’s My Package?” program

Aug. 26, 2016 – Baltimore District is testing a program that allows letter carriers to quickly investigate and resolve package delivery complaints.The program, a joint collaboration with the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), is called “Where’s My Package?” NALC carrier coordinators use USPS data to identify delivery complaints involving participating Post Offices. The coordinators…

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USPS OIG Audit Report: Customer Care Centers

Background Residential and business customers contact the U.S. Postal Service through various toll-free telephone numbers for information on hours, prices, service issues, or other postal-related inquiries. These numbers received over 52 million calls in fiscal year (FY) 2014, 16 million of which were routed to the four Postal Service Customer Care Centers (Care Centers). The…

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