USPS OIG: Management Alert – Nationwide Delivery Scanning Issues

During fiscal year 2019, we reviewed package scanning procedures at 25 Postal Service delivery units to determine if employees were properly scanning packages. During our audits, we found that Postal Service employees were not always following package scanning procedures at 21 of the 25 units. Customers rely on accurate scan data to track their packages…

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USPS OIG Report: Delivery Scanning Issues – South Station, Newark, NJ

Background This report presents the results of our self-initiated audit of Delivery Scanning Issues – South Station, Newark, NJ. The objective of this audit was to evaluate the delivery scanning process on select routes at the South Station. The South Station is in the Northern New Jersey District of the Northeast Area. The South Station…

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USPS: Container Tracking System introduced

The Postal Service is using technology to track mail containers as they’re transported throughout the USPS network. The Container Tracking System displays transportation schedules and container scanning activity in near-real time, allowing managers to make adjustments to meet processing and delivery targets. The system is part of the Postal Service’s broader efforts to use data…

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