USPS OIG Report: Scanning Compliance and Oversight of Dock Operations

Background The U.S. Postal Service is working to leverage technology to improve visibility and tracking of mail and packages in near real time for the Postal Service, its customers, and mailers. As it moves through the surface transportation network, mail and packages are assigned to a container equipped with barcodes. Surface Visibility provides real-time scanning…

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USPS OIG Report: Mail Delivery, Customer Service, and Property Conditions Review – Atlanta, GA

Background This report presents a summary of the results of our self-initiated audits assessing mail delivery, customer service, and property conditions at three select delivery units in the Atlanta, GA, region. The three delivery units we audited were the McDonough Main Post Office (MPO), Old National Station, and Stockbridge MPO. We judgmentally selected these delivery…

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USPS emphasizes importance of scanning

September 20, 2021 Accurate scanning matters more than you might think. That’s the message USPS is delivering to employees as it works to offer excellent service, a cornerstone of the organization’s 10-year plan, Delivering for America. Most employees know that scanning allows customers to know when their packages will arrive, a critically important requirement in…

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USPS: MCV relies on accuracy, timeliness

The Postal Service wants employees to understand the importance of accurate scanning to Mail Condition Visualization (MCV), an Informed Visibility module that will provide near-real-time conditions of mail and packages in processing facilities. The data delivered by MCV is closely linked to the manual scan “events” captured through Surface Visibility (SV). This means failure to…

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USPS: Container Tracking System introduced

The Postal Service is using technology to track mail containers as they’re transported throughout the USPS network. The Container Tracking System displays transportation schedules and container scanning activity in near-real time, allowing managers to make adjustments to meet processing and delivery targets visit The system is part of the Postal Service’s broader efforts to…

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Facebook video shows how USPS scans packages

A new video is giving Facebook users a glimpse of the important role scanning plays in package processing. The 13-second production shows a Priority Mail parcel being scanned inside a USPS facility. Through time-lapsed editing, the package then zooms throughout the plant. The accompanying message: “Our scanners help us deliver billions of packages per year….

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USPS: New approach helps Post Office boost scanning scores

The Troy, MI, Post Office has made dramatic improvements in scanning, a crucial service that is helping USPS grow its package delivery business.  The office is averaging about 99.7 percent after adopting a process called “scan, clear and deliver.”  The new approach focuses on making sure parcels that arrive before 9 a.m. are delivered that…

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(VIDEO) USPS: PMG Donahoe praises improved scanning rates; gives updates on grocery deliveries and Staples

National scanning rates recently reached 96 percent, an important milestone that PMG Pat Donahoe praises in his latest State of the Business video message to employees. “You are doing an excellent job with scanning. It’s the best we’ve ever done,” he says. Donahoe encourages employees to keep the momentum going by continuing to scan mail…

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