APWU NDRC dispute on the national jurisdiction on the High Output Package Sorter (HOPS)

From: Lynn Pallas-Barber <lpallas@apwu.org> Sent: Friday, September 8, 2023 10:22 AM Subject: FW: APWU NDRC dispute on the national jurisdiction on the HOPS. Importance: High To all APWU family, As promised in the last email on 8/25/23, which included the national jurisdictional determination on the HOPS, a national dispute has been filed with the NDRC…

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NPMHU: Craft Determination, Single Induction Process Sorter (SIPS), Small Delivery unit Sorter (SDUS)

November 17, 2022 We enclose a copy of a November 14, 2022 letter, just received in the National Office, that sets forth the Postal Service’s determination of craft jurisdiction for employees operating the Single Induction Parcel Sorter (SIPS) and the Small Delivery Unit Sorter (SDUS). The SIPS and SDUS are currently deployed throughout the country…

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