USPS OIG Report: Processing Selected Personnel Actions

Objective Our objective was to assess the Postal Service’s effectiveness of processing selected personnel actions and identify potential process improvements. We limited our scope to selected late resignation and reassignment personnel actions. Personnel actions are changes to an employee’s status such as hiring, reassignment, promotion, benefit changes, separations, and retirements. Local Human Resources personnel, as…

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USPS OIG Report: Exit Processing

Objective Our objective was to assess the Postal Service’s exit processing and determine whether managers revoked facility access for separated employees and inactive contractors in a timely manner. Separations are personnel actions, either voluntary or involuntary, that end employment with an agency, including resignations or terminations. For all separations and retirements, the manager must collect…

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USPS: Voluntary Early Retirement offers to most non-bargaining employees

The Postal Service will consolidate its districts, realign its Logistics and Processing Operations divisions, and offer a voluntary early retirement option to most eligible non-bargaining employees at its headquarters, headquarters-related, area and district offices. Under a plan announced March 3, the organization’s 67 districts will be consolidated into 50. The new territories will align closely…

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