APWU: How to Navigate to VER Plans, Optional Retirement Pages through USPS’s LiteBlue

Please note, the APWU cannot advise you on whether you should or should not take either retirement option.

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USPS to offer retirement incentive to certain APWU and NPMHU employees

The opportunity is for VER and optional eligible employees in certain crafts

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USPS: Voluntary Early Retirement offers to most non-bargaining employees

The Postal Service will consolidate its districts, realign its Logistics and Processing Operations divisions, and offer a voluntary early retirement option to most eligible non-bargaining employees at its headquarters, headquarters-related, area and district offices. Under a plan announced March 3, the organization’s 67 districts will be consolidated into 50. The new territories will align closely…

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2018 VERA “Steps At-a-Glance” provided by USPS

The VER process requires very careful thinking on the part of eligible employees. To help you make an informed decision, please review the following quick steps and important dates. Use this summary of the instructions spelled out in the VER Offer Letter in conjunction with the annuity estimate and any other forms in the VER…

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Voluntary Early Retirement (VER) information

The Jane Doe VER Kit is an example of what eligible employees will receive this week. The NALC VER Retirement Counseling Settlement in 2013 is important because VER retirement counseling before the irrevocable date is difficult to get. Retirement counseling hasn’t improved since then. In normal times it takes 45 days to get an appointment….

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