USPS OIG Report: Processing Selected Personnel Actions

Objective Our objective was to assess the Postal Service’s effectiveness of processing selected personnel actions and identify potential process improvements. We limited our scope to selected late resignation and reassignment personnel actions. Personnel actions are changes to an employee’s status such as hiring, reassignment, promotion, benefit changes, separations, and retirements. Local Human Resources personnel, as…

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APWU: JUNE 2020 – regular eReassign

On Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 2:55 PM, Lynn Pallas-Barber <> wrote: Brothers and Sisters, Please find attached the June 2020 posting for regular eReassign. There are 369 full-time/NTFT positions posted. This posting is required per Steps 5, 6.a and 6.b of the MOU on filling Clerk Craft residuals. Paragraph C of the same MOU also…

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Handbook EL-505 – Injury Compensation, Revision: Rehabilitation Program

Effective January 22, 2015, the Postal Service™ is revising Handbook EL-505, Injury Compensation, to reflect the more current Snow Arbitration Decision, H94N-4H-C 96090200, dated November 4, 1998, that renders the Snow Arbitration Decision currently cited in Exhibit 11.7c (H0C-3N-C 418), incorrect. Handbook EL-505, Injury Compensation 11. Rehabilitation Program Exhibits Exhibit 11.7c Contractual Obligations for Rehabilitation…

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APWU Pre-Convention Workshop: Involuntary Reassignments / Excessing / Impacts

The PMG’s mad drive to undermine service and cut hours and jobs is going to get worse!  His announcement to impose 82 more plant consolidations to begin in January 2015, coupled with the impacts of several hundred forced excessing events for this coming September area move date, requires a concentrated effort and fully educated preparation…

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ALERT: One Time Opportunities For PTFs Under the MOU

ALERT:  ONE TIME OPPORTUNITY If you have any PTFs within your local or know any PTFs in USPS attached please find a template issued by USPS HQ to Areas and Districts on the One Time Opportunity for PTFs to “bid” on eReassign pursuant to the 3-12-14  MOU.  Also a copy of a Stand Up Talk…

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