USPS MTSC: Custodial Team Cleaning update (4/6/20)

Please share with plant management, operations, maintenance, and other personnel as needed. Due to staffing shortages resulting from influenza and coronavirus along with newly hired Labor Distribution Code (LDC) 38 Labor Custodians, HQ Maintenance Operations is authorizing a temporary option for Custodial Team Cleaning (CTC) Champions to conduct CTC training via ZOOM. If students are…

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USPS OIG Report: Maintenance Workhour Charges in the Southern Area

Objective Our objective was to determine the accuracy of maintenance employee workhour charges at selected processing facilities in the U.S. Postal Service’s Southern Area. We conducted site visits and reviewed a sample of workhour charges for fiscal year (FY) 2018 at six mail processing facilities selected based on planned versus actual maintenance workhours. The facilities…

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USPS OIG: Are city carrier work hours accurately allocated?

Project Title: Delivery Charge Codes Start Date: Monday, June 26, 2017 Estimated Report Release Date: December 2017 We are conducting an audit to assess the accuracy and reliability of city carrier labor cost attribution. City carriers perform both office and street activities. City carrier street costs are developed separately in two distinct groups: letter routes…

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OIG Report: Continuous Improvement of Mail Processing Ops

Background The U.S. Postal Service has about 265 mail processing facilities nationwide. Mail processing is an integrated group of activities required to sort and distribute mail for dispatch and eventual delivery. The Postal Service defines mail processing efficiency as mailpieces sorted per workhour. One tool the Postal Service uses to compare mail processing operations performance…

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