APWU: President Biden issued an Executive Order on Protecting Worker Safety

From: Vance Zimmerman <vzimmerman@apwu.org> Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 10:53 AM Subject: EXECUTIVE ORDER ON PROTECTING WORKER HEALTH AND SAFETY Union Family, President Biden issued an Executive Order on Protecting Worker Safety. This is a significant executive order as it instructs OSHA to issue and address the COVID-19 issues surrounding worker safety. The USPS is…

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APWU Pittsburgh Retiree Record – September 15, 2020

Via John P. Richards, President – Pittsburgh Area Retiree Chapter of the APWU A Call To Action Recent statements from Trump and PMG Delay* and concurrent developments throughout the Postal Service should have even the most sanguine disbelieving rank and file on edge. For too long too many have pooh poohed the alarms about privatization…

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President Trump nominates Donald Lee Moak, of Florida, to be a Governor of the USPS

President Trump has nominated Donald Lee Moak, a Florida resident, to be a member of the USPS Board of Governors. Moak, formerly president of the Air Line Pilots Association, is founder and chief executive officer of the Moak Group, a public affairs firm. The nomination will be for the remainder of a seven-year term expiring…

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NALC President Rolando: Our plan for the 2020 election

I’m not going to say that the upcoming election is the most important of our lives, because for letter carriers every election is important. But I will say that it is the most important election since 1968 when it comes to the future of the Postal Service. Back then, a debate was raging over whether…

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USPS to self-declare international rates in 2020

The Universal Postal Union’s member nations agreed Sept. 25 to improve its payment system for the international exchange of Letter Post Packets. The international organization, also known as the UPU, has established a system that determines the amount a country will be paid for delivering international Letter Post products that originate in another country. This…

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Postal Employees and Retirees See Threats to Pay and Benefits in White House Budget

03/29/2019 – The White House released its plans for the fiscal year 2020 budget this month. It once again attacks workers, calling for deep cuts to salaries, retirement and health benefits. It also echoes parts of the Postal Task Force December 2018 report that calls for the elimination of union negotiated collective bargaining rights over…

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DOL issues Opinion Letter: FMLA Leave May Not Be Saved For Future Use

The Department of Labor issued an Opinion Letter Thursday that says an employee with a FMLA-qualifying condition may not use paid leave and decline to use FMLA leave to preserve FMLA leave for future use.  This will likely result in employers digging more deeply into employees’ reasons for taking paid leave. Employees will need to…

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President Trump Announces Intent to Nominate John McLeod Barger to USPS Board of Governors

John McLeod Barger of California, to be a Member of the Board of Governors of the United States Postal Service, for the remainder of a seven-year term expiring December 8, 2021. Source: President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Personnel to Key Administration Posts | The White House

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