DOL seeks back wages, damages from USPS for allegedly firing a worker who raised safety concerns

“When employers retaliate against workers who exercise their right to report unsafe workplace conditions, we will pursue all legal remedies to make sure those employees are made whole and ensure that employers do not engage in this conduct in the future,” said Regional Solicitor of Labor Samantha Thomas in Philadelphia.

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DOL-OSHA announces proposed changes to clarify regulations on authorized employee representation during workplace inspections

August 29, 2023 Department of Labor announces proposed changes to clarify regulations on authorized employee representation during workplace inspections Seeks public, stakeholder comments on proposed changes WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a notice of proposed rulemaking to revise regulations regarding who can be authorized by employees to act as their representative…

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APWU: Further Reference to DOL In-Person Proofing (IPP) Expansion

From: Lamont Brooks <> Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2023 Subject: FW: Notification GCCC20230358 Further Reference to DOL IPP Expansion Please disseminate to the field. Lamont Brooks Director Clerk Division APWU, AFL-CIO From: Tamiya Nelson <> Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2023 Subject: Notification GCCC20230358 Further Reference to DOL IPP Expansion Good morning, Director Brooks, Please see…

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OSHA cites USPS with 16 violations for endangering workers at Tennessee facilities, Proposes $350K in penalties

Sanitation, electrical, improper use of forklifts among violations found DOL News Release – January 25, 2023 NASHVILLE, TN – The U.S. Department of Labor has found the U.S. Postal Service exposed workers to struck-by, electrical, crushing, fire and other health hazards at facilities in Columbia, Knoxville and Nashville. As a result of three inspections, the…

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USPS: October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month

September 30, 2022 As it does each October, the Postal Service is observing National Disability Employment Awareness Month, a time to recognize and honor the contributions of workers with disabilities of all kinds. The Department of Labor has chosen “Disability: Part of the Equity Equation” as the theme for the month. “People with disabilities make…

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Former St. Louis NPMHU president gets probation, house arrest for embezzling union funds

June 28, 2022 ST. LOUIS – U.S. District Judge Rodney W. Sippel on Tuesday sentenced the former president of a local postal workers union to five years of probation and six months of house arrest for embezzling $80,000. Scott E. Rodgers, 51, was also ordered to repay the money. Rodgers embezzled a total of $80,756….

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US DOL investigation of amputation injury finds serious, repeat violations at Greensboro USPS facility

News Release – March 11, 2022 US DEPARTMENT OF LABOR INVESTIGATION OF AMPUTATION INJURY FINDS SERIOUS, REPEAT VIOLATIONS AT GREENSBORO US POSTAL SERVICE FACILITY Removed machine safety guard leads to serious, life-altering injury GREENSBORO, NC – An employee working as a mechanic at the U.S. Postal Service’s distribution center in Greensboro suffered a life-changing injury…

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OSHA proposes $236,783 in fines for USPS workplace safety violations in Lehigh Valley

DOL News Release – June 17, 2021 US POSTAL SERVICE FAILED TO PREVENT BLOCKED, OBSTRUCTED EXITS, OTHER SAFETY VIOLATIONS AT LEHIGH VALLEY FACILITY BETHLEHEM, PA – A federal workplace safety inspection of a U.S. Postal Service location in Hanover Township found employees exposed to potentially serious and fatal injuries in the event of an emergency….

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