USPS to offer retirement incentive to certain APWU and NPMHU employees

The opportunity is for VER and optional eligible employees in certain crafts

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Q & As on Benefits, Pay, and Leave Under VERA updated January 2018

Updated January 2018 The date above indicates the date that this document was reviewed and updated. Whenever this document is updated, every FAQ is reviewed, but not every FAQ requires a change. NOTE: For more information related to any questions and answers presented in this document, you should review the VIDEO segments in the Retirement…

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NAPS says “Early-Out Offer For USPS Management Likely Coming September 16th” = FAKE NEWS

NAPS HQ has been receiving calls and emails concerning an article that is being attributed to the Federal Times titled “Early-Out Offer For USPS Management Likely Coming September 16th.” This article quotes supposed comments made by President Louis Atkins on this issue. NAPS HQ has validated with Immediate Past President Louis Atkins that no such…

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