Mail Handlers sign MOU with USPS – Re: One-time Retirement Incentive offer

This Memorandum of Understanding was apparently leaked before the official date of its release on January 13, 2025 (see signature at end of document).

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USPS District Restructuring Information Released

UPMA – March 3, 2021 Today, the United States Postal Service has announced a restructuring of the Retail and Delivery Operations and Logistics and Processing Operations that will be phased in over the next couple of months. The below information and new information on these changes can be found on the website under the…

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Q & As on Benefits, Pay, and Leave Under VERA updated January 2018

Updated January 2018 The date above indicates the date that this document was reviewed and updated. Whenever this document is updated, every FAQ is reviewed, but not every FAQ requires a change. NOTE: For more information related to any questions and answers presented in this document, you should review the VIDEO segments in the Retirement…

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APWU: USPS Announces Voluntary Early Out Retirement (VERA)

Web News Article #: 2-2018 01/04/2018 – Today, January 4, 2018, the APWU was notified by letter that the USPS is offering voluntary early out retirement (VERA) for eligible clerk craft employees. This letter was received with no advance notification to the union or negotiations with the APWU over who the VERA applied to and…

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USPS to offer Clerks and Mail Handlers voluntary early retirement

The Postal Service will extend voluntary early retirement (VER) offers to eligible mail handlers and clerks, beginning Jan. 8. The offers will contain three retirement-effective dates from which eligible employees may choose: Jan. 31, Feb. 28 and March 31. While USPS has been taking aggressive steps to cut costs and increase efficiencies, additional operational changes…

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