OPM: Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) Program

USPS Annuitants Fact Sheet PSHB Questions and Answers Source: Office of Personnel Management Related: NALC: Postal Service Health Benefits – What every Letter Carrier needs to know

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NALC: Postal Service Health Benefits – What every Letter Carrier needs to know

In 2022, The Postal Service Reform Act repealed the USPS’s unfair pre-funding mandate, ensuring six-day delivery and creating the Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) Program within the existing Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program. These accomplishments benefit the long-term financial stability of the USPS, which in turn benefits letter carriers. This month’s Postal Record discusses…

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RI-399 Update: “National APWU leadership screwed us over in this deal”

Oh Goody, the National APWU just informed us that the Mail Handlers (much smaller Union than the APWU) has received the same amount ($14.5 million) for selling out (I mean settling) the RI-399 cases. The APWU plans on splitting up the money to approximately 85,000 Clerk Craft employees. Before you get all excited, that’s approximately…

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