USPS OIG Report: Mail Delivery, Customer Service, and Property Conditions Review – Atlanta, GA


This report presents a summary of the results of our self-initiated audits assessing mail delivery, customer service, and property conditions at three select delivery units in the Atlanta, GA, region. The three delivery units we audited were the McDonough Main Post Office (MPO), Old National Station, and Stockbridge MPO. We judgmentally selected these delivery units based on the number of Stop-the-Clock (STC) scans occurring at the delivery unit, rather than at the customer’s point of delivery, and indicators for undelivered mail. We previously issued interim reports to district management for each of these units regarding the conditions we identified. In addition, we issued a report on the efficiency of operations at the Atlanta, GA, Processing and Distribution Center (P&DC), which services these three delivery units. The delivery units serve about 249,704 people in several ZIP Codes, which are considered predominantly urban communities.

Read full report

Source: USPS OIG

One thought on “USPS OIG Report: Mail Delivery, Customer Service, and Property Conditions Review – Atlanta, GA

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
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    These reports are BULLSHIT.

    Where was the USPS OIG when indisputable proof was provided that mail was intentionally being delayed in Cape Girardeau?

    I’ll tell you where they were – threatening to fire an employee for exposing it and threatening to take legal action against me for sharing on this web site the corruption, deceit and lies by USPS Management.

    I would be happy for someone from Congress or the USPS OIG to give us all an update on this story: I-Team Special Report: Cape Girardeau mail delay

    I’ll also be asking USPS OIG directly to comment. Either they are serious about the sanctity and security of mail delivery or they are not. I’m guessing they are not.

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