Central Florida has 7 MM and 5 Custodian positions on eReassign

Any current maintenance craft employee who has an interest in coming to Central Florida, the Mid FL P&DC has 7 MM positions available as well as 5 Custodian positions available. The positions were posted this morning. YOU ONLY HAVE A FEW DAYS TO SUBMIT YOUR eReassign REQUEST, before they go to the in service register….

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USPS: Maintenance Technical Support Center team keeps busy

May 24, 2022 The Postal Service relies on an array of sorting machines, scanners, robotics and other technology that operate around the clock to process a staggering 425 million pieces of mail a day. Keeping those machines running is a 24-hours-a-day job, according to Billy Franks, field support and equipment implementation/optimization manager for the Maintenance…

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US DOL investigation of amputation injury finds serious, repeat violations at Greensboro USPS facility

News Release – March 11, 2022 US DEPARTMENT OF LABOR INVESTIGATION OF AMPUTATION INJURY FINDS SERIOUS, REPEAT VIOLATIONS AT GREENSBORO US POSTAL SERVICE FACILITY Removed machine safety guard leads to serious, life-altering injury GREENSBORO, NC – An employee working as a mechanic at the U.S. Postal Service’s distribution center in Greensboro suffered a life-changing injury…

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Maintenance In-service Open Season (April 1-30, 2022)

The 2021-2024 National Agreement between the United States Postal Service and American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO, amends the maintenance in-service examination process, to include that on an annual basis from March 1-31 career employees may submit a written request to be tested for maintenance craft eligibility ratings for all occupational groups (excluding NST ET-11). Due…

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USPS OIG Report: Ventilation and Filtration in Postal Service Facilities

Background The U.S. Postal Service owns over 8,400 facilities where it provides services, which includes maintaining proper ventilation and filtration in these facilities to ensure they are clean and safe. Ventilation and filtration are often provided by heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems in a facility. Industry standards recommend minimum ventilation rates and inspection and…

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USPS OIG Audit Report: Payments to Contract Cleaners

Objective Our objective was to determine whether Postal Service payments to contract cleaners were valid, timely, and made in compliance with Postal Service payment policy. The Postal Service contracts with external service providers to clean eligible postal facilities. The two methods for procuring cleaning services are dependent on the value of the estimated cleaning service….

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