This report presents the results of our audit to assess mail delivery on selected routes at the Barrington Station, Los Angeles, CA. The Barrington Station is in Los Angeles, CA in the Los Angeles District of the Pacific Area. We conducted the audit to provide U.S. Postal Service management with timely information on potential operational risks at the Barrington Station.
The Barrington Station has 87 city routes and 133 carriers. We selected the Barrington Station to review because it had 2,931 customer cases in the Enterprise Customer Care application during fiscal year (FY) 2018. Over 90 percent of the customer complaints related to mail and packages not received and delivered to the wrong address. Additionally, we reviewed other delivery metrics, such as Carriers Returning After 1800, Overtime and Penalty Overtime Performance and staffing when selecting this site.
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Source: USPS – Office of Inspector General