APWU Rank and File Bargaining Advisory Committee: Minority Opinion Report

Daleo Freeman, Minority opinion spokesperson appointed by minority opinion members:


One thought on “APWU Rank and File Bargaining Advisory Committee: Minority Opinion Report

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU Oakland Chapter
    Office held, if any
    Legislative Director Retirees
    It seems inheritantly unfair for a union to have to reach a settlement with an agency that claims to be broke and wants to privatize itself. And no right to strike. If you fail to reach an agreement, an arbitrator decides the working conditions for your members. It’s time we look at that “No Strike” clause.

    As a retiree I will not be voting on this contract but I do vote for who leads the union. There is no one stronger more articulate, or possessing better negotiating skills than Mark Dimondstein.

    We need a show of solidarity now. Mark Dimondstein has called us to action on April 15, leafleting and talking with postal customers. The retirees will be there and we are inspired by your activism. “The kids are alright.”

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