OIG Report: Examining Changes in Postal Product Costs

March 13, 2017 (RARC-WP–17-005) The OIG worked with an expert in postal costing and economics to analyze product cost changes in four traditional USPS products: First-Class Mail, Standard Mail, Periodicals, and Package Services. The analysis compares costs from fiscal year (FY) 2006 to FY 2015. Four external factors drove product cost changes: inflation, change in…

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USPS OIG Blog: Names (and Prices) They Are a-Changin’

At one time, it was called Third-Class Mail. Today, it’s known as Standard Mail. In 2017, it will be called (USPS) Marketing Mail. The U.S. Postal Service has proposed a name change for Standard Mail to better signal to customers that this mail is used primarily to market a product or service. This rebranding to…

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PRC: Report on the City Carrier Street Time Study – January 14, 2015

The current development of attributable city carrier street time costs uses a model that was calibrated with data collected in 2002. There have been a number of important changes to city carrier delivery: Adoption of DPS Reduction in delivered volumes Introduction of FSS Restructuring of the carrier network The Postal Service initiated a comprehensive study…

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