APWU: Article 19 National Dispute on USPS Proposal to Create a SSA (Government Services) PS-06

From: Lamont Brooks <lbrooks@apwu.org> Date: June 24, 2022 Subject: FW: Article 19 National Dispute on USPS Proposal to Create a SSA (Government Services) PS-06 Standard Position Description and Qualification Standard Please disseminate to the field. In union solidarity, the struggle continues. Lamont Brooks Director Clerk Division APWU, AFL-CIO From: Lamont Brooks <lbrooks@apwu.org> Sent: Friday, June…

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USPS OIG Report: Refunds and Voids – Bluebonnet Station, Austin, TX

Objective The objective of this audit is to determine whether refunds and voids for spoiled/unused customer meter stamps were valid and properly supported at the Bluebonnet Station, Austin, TX. The OIG’s data analytics identified that Bluebonnet Station had a 202 percent increase in dollars for stamp and meter revenue refunds from July 1 to December…

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