NPMHU: New Organizing Webpage

July 5, 2024 We have created a new webpage to provide tools for Officers and Stewards to Organize new Members into the National Postal Mail Handlers Union. This “Digital Organizing Toolkit” provides easy to follow steps to recruit new members into the NPMHU. NPMHU: New Organizing Webpage Announcement Source: NPMHU

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APWU Organizing Victory!

Web News Article #: 234-2016 10/28/2016 – The American Postal Workers Union (APWU) is celebrating an organizing victory! Workers at the Mail Transport Equipment Service Center (MTESC) located in Urbandale, Iowa, voted to join the Des Moines Area Local. The MTESCs are run by postal subcontractors, servicing the sorting and palletizing of mail trays, bags…

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Joining the APWU – Form 1187 updated June 2016

Postal workers who wish to join the APWU must complete Form 1187 (Authorization for Deduction of Dues) [Fillable PDF].  Mail the completed form to the APWU Per Capita Department, 1300 L Street, NW, Washington DC 20005. The local union and the new member should retain a copy. Source: APWU

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APWU: Training Motivates Organizers in California

Responding to a call for a membership drive by the California Postal Workers Union, the Organization Department presented training sessions in “dynamic organizing” and “door-to-door visitation.” Organizing trainees from locals in southern California were introduced to techniques that focus on listening to non-members on the work floor and converting their criticisms and complaints into “talking…

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APWU: 2015 Organizing Drive – Finish Strong

(May 18, 2015) The 2015 Contract Action Team (CAT) Organizing drive is coming to a close and because of the hard work of our local and state organizations, it has already been a success. Starting on Feb. 19 and as of May 5, this year’s organizing drive has added 3,485 new members to the APWU!…

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APWU: What is a Contract Action Team?

Web News Article #: 027-2015 – 02/17/2015 02/17/2015 – The American Postal Workers Union has embarked on a campaign to involve union members in the fight for a good contract. This means sharing information on the work floor and winning community support for the struggle to secure better service and good jobs. Contract Action Teams…

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APWU Organization Department: At the Top of Their Game

(This article appears in the September/October 2014 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine.) Since January, the APWU has signed up more than 6,300 new members. The commitment to organizing is growing, but we still have a long road ahead. Although excessing, downsizing and consolidations have hurt membership, some locals have maintained or increased membership….

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