USPS OIG Report: Transportation Cost of Mail Transport Equipment

Objective Our objective was to assess the Postal Service’s efforts to reduce transportation costs of Mail Transport Equipment (MTE) in the Mail Transport Equipment Service Center (MTESC) network. The MTESC network is a nationwide network of 14 contractor-operated facilities. MTESC facilities process, repair, store, and distribute MTE (containers, sacks, trays, flat tubs, sleeves, and pallets)…

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APWU Organizing Victory!

Web News Article #: 234-2016 10/28/2016 – The American Postal Workers Union (APWU) is celebrating an organizing victory! Workers at the Mail Transport Equipment Service Center (MTESC) located in Urbandale, Iowa, voted to join the Des Moines Area Local. The MTESCs are run by postal subcontractors, servicing the sorting and palletizing of mail trays, bags…

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