From: Lamont Brooks
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 1:48 PM
To: Clerk Division NBA
Cc: Regional Coordinators
Subject: FW: MPOS Updated Follow-Up Questions with Lobby Assistant program
The USPS is continuing the testing of MPOS until October 1, 2014 at which point they will start the national full deployment process.
The union requested the USPS provide answers to four additional questions which were addressed in this e-mail.
The work will continue to be performed by a LSSA and in the absence of the LSSA a SSA/SSDA/DSSDA can perform those duties (see Lobby Assistant OJT Guide).
A listing of the MPOS site deployments and timelines are attached.
Please read the information in its entirety and save for later review.
Please share with all your APWU local/state officers.
Lamont Brooks
Assistant Director, Clerk Craft
American Postal Workers Union
From: Dean, Rickey R – Washington, DC []
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2014 2:16 PM
To: Lamont Brooks
Subject: FW: MPOS Updated Follow-Up Questions
Below is the Manager Retail Operations responses to the mPOS questions. Please let me know if this is sufficient. You may use this email.
Rickey R. Dean
Labor Relations Specialist – Team Lead
Contract Administration (APWU)
From: Pepe, Margaret M – Albany, NY
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2014 11:53 AM
To: Dean, Rickey R – Washington, DC
Subject: FW: MPOS Updated Follow-Up Questions
Hi Rickey,
As discussed yesterday here are the responses to the following questions:
What actions did the USPS take to alleviate the following concerns that was brought forward by the Union in November 2013?
1) Financial Accountability Concerns (Stamps on Personal Possession)
a. It was stated that Retail Associates would not be financially accountable for stamps on personal possession while operating the mPOS.
2) Safety
a. Risk Analysis is performed by the Postal Inspectors to ensure a safe and secure environment for Postal Service employees, assets, and mail in Postal Service custody.
3) Security
a. Same as above – in addition the attached service talk was issued to the field.
4) Proper Credit for Customer Visits and Transactions
a. Currently only those sites that are Premier Post Office are utilizing mPOS. These sites participate in the Lobby Assistant program and therefore should be utilizing OC 352 to track work hours associated with triaging the customer. In addition there is a tracking non-revenue worksheet that is utilized as outlined in the SOP (attached).
Margaret Pepe
Acting Manager, Retail Operations
US Postal Service
- Notice to APWU: mPOS Market Test Ends, Deployment Begins October 1, 2014 [pdf]
- mPOS Deployment Schedule (3081 sites): October 1 – November 7, 2014 [xls]
- Lobby Security Service Talk [pdf]
- Lobby Director Program Guide [pdf]
- Lobby Assistance On-The-Job Training Guide v3 [pdf]
- Lobby Assistant Standard Operating Procedure [pdf]
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU - Local 277, Asheville, NC 28810
Office held, if any
Shop Steward, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Email Address
Union and NAME of Local/Branch
APWU Philadelphia
Office held, if any