The true cost for restoring service standards and why the Postal Service can afford it

A couple of weeks ago, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) announced that it would cost the Postal Service $1 billion to comply with an amendment requiring the Postal Service to revert to the service standards for First Class mail and periodicals that were in effect on July 1, 2012. The amendment was proposed by Representative…

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Ben Franklin, postal purveyor

To Benjamin Franklin’s successes in science, statecraft, and slyness, add a lesser-known exploit: postal service. Among the many hardships of colonial life, lack of communication perhaps ranked right behind hunger and fear. In the absence of a service operated by the British crown, many fledgling colonies instituted private mail systems. In 1683, the Pennsylvania Assembly…

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Rally to save the postal service celebrates Postal Heritage Day

Immediate Release – July 26, 2015 Dozens of postal workers, retirees, and community allies turned out Sunday to celebrate the 240th birthday of the US Post Office. Postal unions have called on President Obama to declare July 26th Postal Heritage Day. Chanting, marching through the Main Post Office in downtown Portland, singing and eating birthday…

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AFL-CIO may delay endorsement of Clinton as 2016 presidential candidate

By Luciana Lopez – July 25, 2015 In a possible setback for Hillary Clinton, the AFL-CIO’s political committee has recommended the nation’s largest labor union federation delay endorsing a candidate for the 2016 presidential race as it seeks to push her to be more supportive of its policies on issues such as trade and wages….

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OPM Director’s Blog: Keeping You Informed on Cybersecurity

By Beth Cobert – July 24, 2015 It’s been an exciting and busy first two weeks for me as the new Acting Director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. I will be regularly using this space to share the latest news about what we are doing to address one of my top priorities for…

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What happened to request for Presidential Proclamation establishing a “Postal Heritage Day”?

The Postal Service was established on July 26, 1775, when an act of the Second Continental Congress created the United States Post Office Department, and named Benjamin Franklin as the first Postmaster General.  July 26, 2015 will be the agency’s 240th birthday. On June 5, 2015, the NPMHU, APWU, NALC and NRLCA jointly endorsed a request…

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AAI Asks FTC for Deep Dive into Staples/Office Depot Merger

Proposed Deal Raises Significant Competitive Issues By Randy Stutz – July 22, 2015 The American Antitrust Institute (AAI) today issued a white paper titled The Proposed Merger of Staples and Office Depot: Lessons from History and New Competitive Concerns. The paper urges the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to carefully scrutinize the competitive impact of the…

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