Current Maintenance Vacancies (16) at Greensboro NDC
Here is a list of the current vacancies in the Maintenance Department. Management has not listed these on E-reassign as of yet. This list came out June of 2015. 1-ET, 3-BEM, 3-MM and 9-LC
Here is a list of the current vacancies in the Maintenance Department. Management has not listed these on E-reassign as of yet. This list came out June of 2015. 1-ET, 3-BEM, 3-MM and 9-LC
July 5, 2015 “The last difference I noticed between Hillary and Bernie, vis-a-vis their online swag shops, really surprised me. I’m not sure how this will swing for other people, but I am personally grateful that Hillary only provides U.S. Postal Service shipping for her campaign merchandise. Bernie provides a United Parcel Service option. Don’t…
By Fredric Rolando – July 5, 2015 A June 29 BDN OpEd cast the problems with the U.S. Postal Service somewhat oddly, suggesting the issue is that the Heartland is experiencing slower mail deliveries so the “Postal Service can deliver chocolates, flowers or teddy bears in San Francisco.” There are various misconceptions about the Postal…
July 4, 2015 As our hardworking Federal workforce enjoys a much-deserved holiday weekend, I want to share a quick update on the ongoing investigation into the recent theft of information from OPM’s networks. For those individuals whose data may have been compromised in the intrusion affecting personnel records, we are providing credit monitoring and identity…