July 5, 2015
“The last difference I noticed between Hillary and Bernie, vis-a-vis their online swag shops, really surprised me. I’m not sure how this will swing for other people, but I am personally grateful that Hillary only provides U.S. Postal Service shipping for her campaign merchandise. Bernie provides a United Parcel Service option.
Don’t get me wrong. This is a very close call. At least UPS has a union workforce, with it’s Teamster organized drivers. But so does the U.S. Postal Service, and I have a special affinity for that institution. I worked inside Postal Service Headquarters for many years and now draw a pension for that service. I know a hell of a lot about the flaws of that institution, but nevertheless always find myself appreciative of any business thrown its way. To make the call even closer, Bernie’s website makes it clear that shipping UPS is more expensive than getting quick and reliable service (Priority Mail) from the Postal Service.”
An Intriguing Peek at Our Candidates’ Swag Shops