USPS OIG Report: Planning and Deployment of the Matrix Regional Sorter

Our objective was to evaluate the planning, deployment, and initial performance of the MaRS at the Atlanta and Chicago RPDCs. We conducted observations of the MaRS at the Chicago and Atlanta RPDCs in February, April, and May 2024.

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USPS OIG Report: Use of Automated Guided Vehicles

Background Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are powered industrial vehicles modified to enable driverless operation. Beginning in June 2019, the Postal Service spent [redacted] to purchase and deploy 350 AGVs between October 2019 and April 2022. These AGVs move wheeled or palletized mail transport equipment for processing and dispatch operations within a facility. The Postal Service…

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USPS OIG: Maintenance, Safety, and Security Problems at Postal Facilities

The health and safety of U.S. Postal Service employees and customers is a priority. Over the past few years, our office has done a series of audits to determine if USPS management is adhering to building safety, maintenance, and security standards at its facilities. Last spring, we issued an audit report that capped our reviews…

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USPS OIG: How Clean, Safe, and Secure are Postal Service Processing Plants?

The Postal Service has over 300 processing plants where more than 150 billion pieces of mail are sorted each year. The OIG has recently conducted a series of audits on facility conditions at retail facilities and is now looking at processing facilities nationwide. The safety, security and cleanliness of these facilities is essential to the…

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USPS OIG Blog: Image Is Everything

There’s no denying it: Looks matter. Appearance creates a first impression that is hard to erase. And when you’re talking about postal retail facilities, how they look is essential to the U.S. Postal Service’s business. Unfortunately, too many retail facilities have fallen into disrepair. The Postal Service leases and owns more than 30,000 retail facilities…

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New labor contract: USPS, APWU arbitration process concludes

An arbitration panel informed the Postal Service July 7 of an interest arbitration decision and award.The award is intended to resolve the differences between USPS and the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) that resulted from an inability to reach a negotiated collective bargaining agreement after the prior agreement expired. The award, which was the result…

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