USPS: VMF leadership program introduced

The Postal Service’s Fleet Management team unveiled a new leadership development program for Vehicle Maintenance Facility (VMF) managers and supervisors Oct. 1. The 1-year program is designed for employees looking to improve in their current position and advance their careers in fleet management. “The Fleet Leadership Development program is an opportunity for employees to expand…

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USPS: Driven employee accelerates into VMF mechanic job

When Andrew Carson joined the Postal Service in 2011, he never expected that he’d one day become a top mechanic at the Columbia, SC, Vehicle Maintenance Facility (VMF). “At that time, I didn’t know what a VMF was,” he said. Carson was hired as a casual mail handler. He later applied for a job as…

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USPS OIG Report: Vehicle Shuttling-Northeast Region

Background Shuttling is the scheduled movement of vehicles from a Post Office to a vehicle maintenance facility (VMF) or commercial vendor for maintenance. VMF managers decide whether to use Postal Service employees or commercial vendors for shuttling services. Shuttling labor costs are tracked through the Solution for Enterprise Asset Management (SEAM) system. During fiscal years…

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APWU: Solidarity Endures in Lancaster’s VMF Crew

Web News Article #: 094-2016 05/02/2016 – Members of the Lancaster [PA] Area Local working in the Vehicle Maintenance Facility (VMF) wore their solidarity on their sleeves April 28 with APWU T-shirts. Source: APWU  

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USPS: VMF managers meet in Norman, OK to discuss strategies

[maxgallery id=”42386″] The Postal Service is making major changes in its delivery fleet to better serve customers, USPS leaders told approximately 250 Vehicle Maintenance Facility (VMF) managers and supervisors at a recent conference. “Our goal is to be world class in fleet management,” said Fleet Management Manager Phil Knoll. “We are making the progress we…

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USPS OIG Audit Project: How Can the Postal Service Control the Costs to Shuttle Vehicles?

Project Title: Vehicle Shuttling – Northeast Area Start Date: Monday, August 31, 2015 Estimated Report Release Date: February 2016 The Postal Service spent nearly $34 million in fiscal year 2014 to move its vehicles from one location to another for maintenance, repair, or transfer. Local Vehicle Maintenance Facility (VMF) management determines when contractors or postal…

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APWU, USPS Resolve Dispute Over CDL Training

Web News Article #: 167-2015 08/24/2015 – The APWU and USPS agreed on a Memorandum of Understanding re: Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Training for Automotive Mechanics and Technicians on Aug 18, Motor Vehicle Service Craft Director Michael O. Foster has announced. The dispute arose in 2001, when the Postal Service unilaterally waived the requirement that…

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USPS OIG: Vehicle Maintenance Facility Efficiency Nationwide – Capping Report

Audit Report – DR-AR-15-006 – 04/28/2015 Background The vehicles owned by the U.S. Postal Service represent a capital investment of nearly $3.6 billion. The fleet is maintained using 316 Postal Service vehicle maintenance facilities that service 211,264 vehicles. The Postal Service also contracts with commercial garages throughout the country for maintenance and repair. The vehicle…

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