USPS: Driven employee accelerates into VMF mechanic job

Columbia, SC, Automotive Technician Andrew Carson is following a family tradition.

Columbia, SC, Automotive Technician Andrew Carson is following a family tradition.

When Andrew Carson joined the Postal Service in 2011, he never expected that he’d one day become a top mechanic at the Columbia, SC, Vehicle Maintenance Facility (VMF).

“At that time, I didn’t know what a VMF was,” he said.

Carson was hired as a casual mail handler. He later applied for a job as a Postal Support Employee garage mechanic and got the job.

“That was a great learning opportunity,” Carson said. “I traveled the district performing service for tires and oil. It taught me a lot about the Postal Service.”

After a team member retired, he passed a required exam and became a higher-level automotive technician at the South Carolina VMF.

Carson, who learned mechanics in high school, is following a family tradition.

“My dad and granddad were automotive mechanics, so that was my chosen field,” he said.

Source: USPS News Link

2 thoughts on “USPS: Driven employee accelerates into VMF mechanic job

  1. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Youngstown, Ohio A/L #443
    Office held, if any
    MVS Director / Steward
    Email Address

    I wasn’t aware that Article 7 provided for the hiring of “PSE Garage Mechanic”, or any VMF PSEs for that matter.

  2. Union and NAME of Local/Branch
    APWU - Boston Metro Area Local
    Email Address

    Hi. I am a USPS VMF Level 8 Tech in Boston Massachusetts. Carson, that’s a great story, Congrats to you.
    PS: If there’s any openings in Columbia SC Postal VMF for my humbled self, surely let me know, I wouldn’t mind transferring out your way, that’s for sure.

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