USPS OIG Report: Historical Analysis of USPS Retirement Fund Returns

April 26, 2023 By law, the Postal Service’s retiree assets are invested exclusively in U.S. Treasury securities, which pose little risk and generate low investment returns. If the Postal Service wanted to invest in other assets, congressional action would be required. An OIG analysis found the Postal Service could have had $1.2 trillion in retirement…

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Should USPS’s Retirement Funds Be Invested in a More Broadly Diversified Portfolio?

Project Title: Foreign Posts’ Retirement Asset Investments Start Date: Monday, September 10, 2018 Estimated Report Release Date: March 2019 Employees of the Postal Service participate in two government-wide pension plans administered by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM): the Civil Service Retirement System and Federal Employee Retirement System. The assets of these plans are…

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Fun Fact: Federal employees own $1 trillion of U.S. debt

By Andy Medici – April 6, 2015 If federal employees were a foreign country they would rank only behind China and Japan as holders of U.S. Treasury securities, according to federal data. The Civil Service Retirement System and the Federal Employee Retirement System hold a combined 837 billion in Treasury securities, and the Thrift Savings…

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