USPS OIG Report: Historical Analysis of USPS Retirement Fund Returns

April 26, 2023 By law, the Postal Service’s retiree assets are invested exclusively in U.S. Treasury securities, which pose little risk and generate low investment returns. If the Postal Service wanted to invest in other assets, congressional action would be required. An OIG analysis found the Postal Service could have had $1.2 trillion in retirement…

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USPS releases Delivering for America: Second-Year Progress Report

April 27, 2023 The Postal Service has released Delivering for America: Second-Year Progress Report, an update on the organization’s 10-year plan to achieve financial stability and service excellence. Since the plan was published in March 2021, USPS has achieved significant milestones, including: • Aligning for operational excellence. The Postal Service is focused on becoming a…

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