USPS OIG: Management Alert – Timeliness of Ballot Mail in the Milwaukee P&DC Service Area

Introduction This management alert responds to the congressional requests and presents our results and recommendations to address the issues identified in this report. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an expected increase in the number of Americans who will choose to vote by mail and avoid in-person voting. This was evident during the Wisconsin…

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APWU Pittsburgh Retiree Record – July 6, 2020

Via John P. Richards, President – Pittsburgh Area Retiree Chapter of the APWU In 1945 a movie titled, They Were Expendable, was released. The subject matter was about the PT (Patrol Torpedo) boats that were used in WW II which were expected to be sacrificed in combat with the Japanese enemy. Those small boats and…

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APWU Executive Board Endorsement of Joe Biden

Can we edit the APWU Executive Board’s Endorsement of Joe Biden for President to read: “If you vote for Donald Trump and he is re-elected, enjoy the last days of your job as you know it. Be prepared for an uncertain future in regards to pension and benefits. In short DONALD TRUMP IS NO FRIEND…

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APWU Executive Board Endorses Joe Biden for President

June 9, 2020 The American Postal Workers Union’s National Executive Board has voted to endorse Joe Biden for President of the United States. In their decision, the Board recognized his record of advancing the cause of unions, his support for the public Postal Service, postal workers, and his opposition to postal privatization. As our country…

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USPS offers guidance on Election Mail

The Postal Service is continuing ongoing outreach efforts to explain mailing requirements and services before the 2020 elections. USPS General Counsel Thomas J. Marshall sent a letter last week to local and state election officials and state party officials across the nation that highlights key aspects of Election Mail delivery processes and explains the requirements….

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USPS: Your 2020 Election and Political Mail Guide

The 2020 primary season is here and the Postal Service™ is preparing for the November 2020 general election. In addition to the Presidential election, there will be numerous congressional, gubernatorial, state, and local races. Thus, proper handling of Election Mail and Political Mail is critical. Concerns have been raised about how long it takes for…

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Postal employee’s Facebook posts violated Hatch Act

Remember “Travis,” the USPS employee who violated the Hatch Act by attempting to distribute signs for his favorite presidential candidate at the Post Office where he works? The Postal Service recently featured Travis — not his real name — in its campaign to educate employees about the Hatch Act, a law that prohibits federal workers…

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USPS: States consider voting by mail

More than a dozen states are considering allowing voters to cast their ballots by mail or have already done so this primary season as physical distancing and stay-at-home orders make conducting traditional elections difficult. The coronavirus pandemic has prompted many states to postpone their primaries until late summer. In several of these states, governors and…

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