SF Postal Service Needs Workers For The Holiday Season

US Postal Service letter carrier Juan Padilla arranges mail in his truck while on his delivery route in San Francisco. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Letter Carrier Juan Padilla arranges mail in his truck while on his delivery route in San Francisco. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

(October 24, 2015)SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) – San Francisco postal district officials have announced they are hiring workers for the holiday season, which started Oct. 17 and goes through Jan. 8, U.S. Postal Service officials said.

The district is hiring casual mail handlers, holiday clerk assistants, mail processing clerks and big-rig operators, according to postal service officials.

The district is also hiring city carrier assistants and automotive technicians, postal service officials said.

The city carrier assistant positions are entry-level positions that can lead to a career with the postal service, according to postal service officials. The automotive technician positions are career positions, postal service officials said.

Interested applicants can access an online application at www.usps.com/employment.

Source: SF Postal Service Needs Workers For The Holiday Season

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